Bracing (custom, Be-spoke and over-the-counter (OTC)): Bracing has evolved dramatically with technological improvements in lighter more durable materials, research and design concepts. With the goal of braces that move better with our joints providing more comfort, stability and performance, the outcome focuses on readily available high quality medical grade items as well as offering unique be-spoke options to spectrum of bracing. Laser scanning has made custom and be-spoke options more effective and comfortable than previously offered custom bracing could, while improved quality of materials in over-the-counter (OTC) have made both hard and soft braces more durable to the everyday stresses and sport. The depth of bracing options can also be somewhat overwhelming and lead to difficulties in choosing the right brace for you. The success of bracing a joint begins with fit and movement – booking an appointment with a Kinesiologist and certified fitter who understands body mechanics, injury and recovery in all phases can help you return to sport or to day-to-day life itself. Communication with your physiotherapist, physician and other allied health professionals is important to your fitter to help identify goals and expectations of each type of brace for every type of joint and indication. Some brace options may be very short term to expedite healing and protect joints and soft tissue from further risk, while others may have a more long-term focus in the case of OA, meniscus and chronic tissue stress or inflammation. We offer bracing of all types for all joints in the body as well as medical grade class 1, 2 and 3 compression for acute and chronic inflammation in the form of compression socks, ankle, knee and lumbar sleeves and braces.
A note on referrals and extended benefit claims: As previously described in the custom orthotics section, a referral to a brace fitter is not necessary (you can self-refer). However, if you do not have a referral or prescription, you may require one prior to the brace being dispensed, if that is the treatment recommended and your benefit provider requires it. Some insurers will accept a referral and recommendation from your physiotherapist or chiropractor as well as a physician. Direct billing is not offered for bracing, with the exception of a worksafe B.C, FNHA or Medavie patients.
Staff Specializing in this service: Deanna Zelinka